A letter from John to seven churches, sharing the vision God gave him of the last days of the world. The earth will experience great tribulation and come to an end, and Jesus will establish a new heaven and earth, where all those who have been faithful to Him
will live forever in peace and harmony.
Revelation is the only book of prophecy in the New Testament.
Jesus Christ is coming back
John’s vision of Jesus
Seven letters to seven churches
God’s glorious throne
The scroll and the Lamb
The seven seals
The great crowd coming from the Tribulation
The seven trumpets and the two prophets
The woman and the dragon
The two creatures
Three angels and messages of judgement
The seven plagues
The prostitute and the scarlet animal
The fall of Babylon
The wedding banquet of the Lamb, the rider on the white horse
The 1,000 years of doom Satan final judgement
The new earth, new Jerusalem, and river of life
The promise of Jesus return