Luke, a compassionate doctor writes about the Great Physician. He takes us into the Savior’s compassion who makes no distinction between man and woman, adult, child, Jew and Gentile, wounded and healthy… He loves us all. He descended into humanity
that we could be saved.
An angel promises the birth of John the Baptist
An angel promises the birth of Jesus.
Mary visits Elizabeth; John the Baptist is born
Jesus at the Temple
John the Baptist and Jesus
Satan tempts Jesus
Jesus is rejected in His hometown
A miraculous catch of fish
Jesus heals a leper
Leaders try to find fault with Jesus
Jesus selects 12 disciples
Jesus gives many wise teachings
The faith of a Roman soldier
Jesus raises a widow’s son
Jesus calms a storm
Jesus sends demons from a boy
The parable of the Good Samaritan
Jesus visits with Mary and Martha
Jesus talks about eternal things
The rich man and the beggar
Jesus heals ten lepers
Jesus talks about His future kingdom
Zacchaeus meets Jesus
Jesus enters Jerusalem and clears the Temple of merchants
Religious leaders question Jesus
Jesus talks about the future
The Last Supper
Jesus is arrested and tried
Jesus is crucified
Jesus rises from the dead and appears to His followers