Jeremiah is sometimes called the weeping prophet because he was not afraid to express his deep sadness over the sins of his people and the destruction of his nation.
Jeremiah warns the people of Judah about their coming captivity, which is God’s judgement for their persistent sins and failure to live as God’s people should.
The people had chosen to ignore God and now God will ignore them, but only for a time, God also promises to restore His people back to Him when they turn from their evil and sinful ways and return to Him.
Jeremiah tells the people that judgement should not be looked at as punishment but rather as a loving act by God to restore His people to Himself.
God calls Jeremiah to be a prophet
Jeremiah condemns Judah for her sins
False worship and empty religion spell doom for Judah
Judgment will fall upon the people and Jerusalem
Sin points to our need for a changed heart
The people try to silence Jeremiah
Jeremiah is put into stocks
Jeremiah’s ultimatum to King Zedekiah
False prophets and how to recognize them
Jeremiah rebukes the false prophet Hananiah
Restoration will follow punishment
God’s new contract with His people
The king burns the Word of God
Jeremiah is put into prison
Jeremiah is rescued
Nebuchadnezzar captures Jersalem
The survivors still refuse to obey God
Jeremiah predicts the fall of Babylon
The fall of Jerusalem