Both the northern and southern kingdom of Israel had not only forgotten about God but had taken enjoyment from evil practices, dishonesty, and injustice.
As strong as God love is for His people, His hatred of sin is equally intense. Only discipline could root that sin out, and a healthy dose of it.
Micah pronounces judgement and doom. In Judah, Ahaz was the king in early Mich’s ministry, he sacrificed his own son to pagan gods and nailed the Temple doors shut.
Mich’s message is still fresh and up-to-date. His call is for repentance, cleansing, and forgiveness. Worship God, not personalities. Live a holy life, decide to be faithful to God even if the rest of society has turned away from Him.
God’s sentence on Samaria and Jerusalem
The leaders of Israel are corrupt
The Lord will be king
A prediction of Jesus’ birth and eternal kingdom
God puts His people on trial
God promises restoration for His people